We’re thrilled to announce that the initial 300 copies of Tahmela Six’s debut album, “Mount,” have sold out faster than expected! Fear not! Due to popular demand, we’ve taken the initiative to press an additional 200 copies. The second batch will be available in late August, so mark your calendars!

“Mount” is also widely available on streaming platforms like Spotify and Tidal. If you’d like to purchase a digital copy, visit for example our Bandcamp site: HERE!

Antti delivering the Mount to Misha Panfilov.

Check these stores for any remaining vinyls from the first pressing:

Finland: Sammakka Pop, Laukontorin Antikvariaatti, Swamp Music, Levykauppa Äx, Keltainen Jäänsärkijä, Pertin Valinta, Fresh Garbage, 8raita, Round Sound, Alfa Antikva – Available soon: Eronen & Digelius

Sweden: Record Mania, Djungel & Jazz

Estonia: Psühhoteek, Biit Me, Dogz Recordz – Available soon: RR Gems

Latvia: Plates.lv, Down Street

Also you can inquire directly from the great artists when you see them live! Like 1.8.2024 here in Tampere at the Kaikki on Jazzia event!

Tahmela Six “Mount” first press: Sold Out!
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